Functional Medicine Associates Services

Pricing and Practice Summary

Meet & Greet (30 Minutes) Free

  • To answer any questions you have about Health Coaching and about the Bredesen Protocol
  • To see if it’s a good coach and client fit
  • Participant/Caregiver sent via email: Intake Questionnaire, AQ-21 (If the participant is on ReCODE: Caregiver Questionnaire, 21 Questions and consent form to contact your physician
lab services
Lucy, seated at her desk, speaking with a client

Bredesen Protocol Services

Recode Sessions



  • Eight coaching sessions included (One 75-minute, One 90-minute, six 60-minute sessions)
  • If the participant is experiencing symptoms you and this Coach will need to work in-conjunction with your physician, as a team.
  • You and this Coach will work together to explore and identify lifestyle strategies to implement to improve your cognition in areas such as: social engagement, nutrition, supplementation, exercise, sleep quality, excess stressors, detoxification, and brain stimulation.
  • She will track your progress with CNS Vital Signs assessments (taken monthly on the Apollo Health Website) and BrainHQ review.
  • This program included two ReCODE Reports (baseline and one more to track progress before the end of six months).
  • This pricing doesn’t include the cost of testing or supplements
  • You can choose to pay in one installment at the start of the First Visit OR pay the first $1,250 at the start of the First Visit and the remaining $1,250 at the start of the First Follow-Up Visit.


  • Review of medical questionnaire and health history
  • Start lifestyle plan formation based on health history review.
  • Lab testing ordered (communicate with your physician about what lab test are needed)
  • MoCA test administration
  • CNS Vital Signs discussion (taken sometime before ReCODE Report generation)


  • This visit is scheduled four to six weeks from the first visit after participant sends all results from acquired testing so the results can be entered into the software to generate the ReCODE Report.
  • All results must be sent to this ReCODE Health Coach before this appointment.
  • Review first ReCODE Report
  • Modify lifestyle plan formation based on ReCODE Report review: discuss nutrition and aspects to prioritize
  • Discuss further testing that may be recommended based on ReCODE Report results
  • Review your latest CNS Vital Signs Assessment results and reminder to complete monthly on the Apollo Health website
  • Discuss BrainHQ brain-training recommendations


  • Generally scheduled every three weeks, after the First Follow-Up Visit (although each participant’s plan is customized to meet their needs).
  • This Health Coach evaluates and discusses how you’re feeling, consults with your physician or care provider, and together make a plan that serves your best interest to optimize your cognitive health.
  • Six weeks before the Sixth Subsequent Follow-Up Visit, you and this Coach will discuss what lab tests to be repeated, communicate with your physician and she’ll need the results to enter into your second ReCODE Report to track your progress throughout the six-month program.
  • In the Sixth Subsequent Follow-Up Visit, you and this Coach will review your second ReCODE Report and discuss continued care options.

Precode Sessions



  • Five coaching sessions included (One 75-minute, One 90-minute, Three 60-minute sessions)
  • Comprehensive, personalized, evidence-based program to address the potential drivers of cognitive decline
  • You and this Coach will work together to explore and identify lifestyle strategies to implement to improve your cognition in areas such as: social engagement, nutrition, supplementation, exercise, sleep quality, excess stressors, detoxification, and brain stimulation.
  • She will track your progress with Cq Assessments (taken monthly on the Apollo Health Website) and BrainHQ review.
  • This program included two PreCODE Reports (baseline and one more to track progress before the end of six months).
  • This pricing doesn’t include the cost of testing or supplements
  • You can choose to pay in one installment at the start of the First Visit OR pay the first $1,250 at the start of the First Visit and the remaining $1,250 at the start of the First Follow-Up Visit.


  • Review of medical questionnaire and health history
  • Start lifestyle plan formation based on health history review.
  • Lab testing ordered (communicate with your physician about what lab test are needed)
  • MoCA test administration
  • Cq Assessment discussion (taken sometime before PreCODE Report generation)


  • This visit is scheduled four to six weeks from the first visit after participant sends all results from acquired testing so the results can be entered into the software to generate the PreCODE Report.
  • All results must be sent to this PreCODE Health Coach before this appointment.
  • Review first PreCODE Report
  • Modify lifestyle plan formation based on PreCODE Report review: discuss nutrition and aspects to prioritize
  • Discuss further testing that may be recommended based on PreCODE Report results
  • Review your latest Cq Assessment results and reminder to complete monthly on the Apollo Health website
  • Discuss BrainHQ brain-training recommendations


  • Generally scheduled every six weeks, after the First Follow-Up Visit (although each participant’s plan is customized to meet their needs).
  • This Health Coach evaluates and discusses how the participant is feeling, consults with their physician and care provider, and together make a plan that serves the best interest of the participant to optimize their cognitive health.
  • At the Second Subsequent Follow-Up Visit, we will meet again to discuss what lab tests will need to be repeated, communicate with your physician and we will need the results to enter into your second PreCODE Report to track your progress throughout the six-month program.
  • In the Third Subsequent Follow-Up Visit we will review your second PreCODE Report and discuss continued care options.

Continued Care

  • Once you’ve completed the Six-Month Package for Participants in the ReCODE/PreCODE Program continued care is available at the discounted rate of $150 per one-hour session. (The practitioner’s normal rate is $175 per hour session.)
  • These follow-up visits will allow us to track your progress over time.
  • A follow-up ReCODE/PreCODE Report is recommended every six months to track your progress as you work to optimize your biomarkers to bring them into the optimal range for the Bredesen Protocol to prevent cognitive decline.
  • Once all subtype sliders appear in the optimal green target range, annual reports for ReCODE/PreCODE participants are recommended.
  • ReCODE/PreCODE Reports can be updated to incorporate new information for $50 at any time.
  • The cost of supplements and labs are not included with any listed practitioner fees.

This coach speaks English only. This coach is also available via Telemedicine. This coach does not accept Medicare, Medicaid, or any other insurance.

Current FMA Patients

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